Throwback to #MyAfrica

4 years ago

The famous Samburu “singing wells” where Samburu ‘morani’ warriors lift water in buckets for their camels from a ‘kisima’ or well, dug deep in the dry river bed in northern Kenya’s arid Samburu region, they sing to self-express and to call their cattle to their kisimia, each morani has his own song the cattle recognise.

#Throwback to an incredible week as official photographer shooting behind-the-scene for Conservation International‘s stunning 3D virtual reality film #MyAfrica which brings viewers up-close-and-personal with a Samburu community in northern Kenya who are leading the way in community-conservation, showing the world a way where people and wildlife are able to live together in harmony,

#MyAfrica is narrated by Academy Award-winner Lupita Nyongo and premiered at Tribeca Film Festival in April 2018.

#MyAfrica is an experience you don’t want to miss!

Go to to watch today.