Using my lens to shine a light on refugees
Images of strength and resilience
Kawasaki Peace Museum Tokyo Japan: ‘Human Rights’ Exhibit (Umoja Village images)
Lions Club Seregno Aid World Water Day Photo Contest 5 Exhibitions in Italy
Visa Pour L’Image Perpignan, Exhibit by Canon of Female Ambassadors work
Africa Photo Festival New York City, Exhibit of images from My Africa VR film
Px3 Exhibition Paris for winning ‘Press’ and ‘Portraiture’ image in Px3 contest
A Caruna, Spain: part of Everyday Climate Change exhibit
Speaker at TEDxKakumaCamp, the first ever TED talk held in a refugee camp
Valencia, Spain: part of Killing The World Exhibition
HeadOn Festival, Sydney: Semi-Finalist portrait
Universal Health Exhibition, Tokyo: part of Everyday Climate Change exhibit
Lugano Photo Days & Everyday Climate Change Exhibition, Lugano Switzerland
Cancer In Africa Exhibit, London
Water For Life Exhibit, Seregno Italy
Spearker at TEDx Nairobi: “Africa’s Women”
Magnum Fdn #Dysturb Exhibit, USA
Primitive Africa No More, San Francisco Public Library
Freedom House: Images of Repression & Freedom, Finalists Exhibit, Washington, DC
Photographers of the Year, Kenya Photography Awards, Kenya
Kenya Burning – Kenya’s Post-Election violence countrywide exhibit, Kenya